5 Best Foods for Bone Health
The foods you eat can have an effect on your bone health. To build healthy bones, you need to eat a healthy, balanced diet that contains plenty of calcium and vitamin D. Adults need around 1,000mg of calcium a day to build and maintain strong bones, and 600 IU of vitamin D to absorb the calcium. You can get these nutrients from eating the right foods. If you’re not getting the recommended amount of calcium, you might need to take a supplement.
Below are the five best foods to eat when you’re looking to build better bone health. Fortunately, calcium is found in many foods, including fortified juices, breads and cereals.
1. Dairy Products
Dairy products are some of the best sources of calcium because they are made with milk, one of the best and most widely available sources of calcium. Some of these foods are even fortified with vitamin D. Not only are products like yogurt, milk and cheese rich in calcium, but also they tend to be the best-absorbed sources of these nutrients. Even though calcium is found in other foods, it isn’t absorbed as well.
2. Canned Fish
Fish is well-known for containing healthy fats, but it’s also a good source of calcium. Choose fatty varieties such as salmon, mackerel, tuna and sardines. Canned fish – crab, scallops and sardines – are also good sources of calcium because the bones are consumed. Consider that three ounces of canned sardines contain 25 percent of your daily value of calcium! You can eat them on crackers or in salads.
3. Dark Green, Leafy Vegetables
Many fruits and vegetables contain calcium, though some are better than others. Dark, leafy greens like collard greens, turnip greens, kale, broccoli and mustard greens are all good sources of calcium. Not only do these leafy greens contain plenty of calcium, but also the calcium they give is highly absorbable. Just one cup of cooked collards has a quarter of the amount of calcium you need in a day!
4. Fortified Foods
Fortified foods like breads, cereals, snack bars, juices and plant-based milk alternatives have extra nutrients added to them that would not normally be there. For example, milk is often fortified with vitamin D and orange juice may be fortified with calcium. Eating fortified foods can be a great way to get essential minerals and nutrients without having to take a supplement. Learn more about staying fit after age 50!
5. Beans and Lentils
Beans and lentils contain a lot of calcium, as well as other nutrients like fiber, iron and zinc. They’re also inexpensive and versatile, allowing you to add them to plenty of foods like soups, chili and hummus. The best varieties of beans in terms of calcium content are winged beans, white beans, pinto beans, cannellini beans, navy beans and red kidney beans. They are highly recommended for vegan diets.
Preserve Good Bone Health Today!
A good diet plays a major role in maintaining your bone health, but it’s not the only thing. You should also be exercising most days of the week and maintaining a healthy weight. Strength training and weight-bearing exercises help promote new bone formation, as well as prevent bone loss in older adults.
Jersey Rehab is a pain management and sports medicine practice that knows what good bone health looks like! Whether you are looking to strengthen your bones after surgery or grow stronger after an injury, we can help. Contact our team of pain management specialists to learn more about our comprehensive treatments.