Symptoms Needed in Order to Get Stem Cell Injections
Are you interested in getting stem cell injections? This innovative treatment option is showing tremendous promise in treating a wide range of diseases, injuries and other health-related conditions. However, we still have a lot to learn about the full potential of stem cell therapy. Because this treatment is sometimes exaggerated by the media, it’s important to understand what it treats and what expectations you should have.
To know if you are a candidate for stem cell injections, here are the symptoms you’ll need to have.
Deteriorating Cartilage
People with chronic arthritis can benefit from stem cell injections because the young cells can grow into new cartilage. This cartilage then helps with joint movement and mobility and prevents painful friction. The stem cells also decrease inflammation, further improving pain and swelling.
Damaged Tissues
Stem cell injections are often used to stimulate the production of damaged tissues such as the cartilage, ligaments and tendons. If you have damaged tissues in the body due to an injury or condition like tendinitis or osteoarthritis, stem cell therapy can help grow new, healthy tissues.
Chronic Inflammation
Another complication of some health conditions and injuries is inflammation. If you’re dealing with swelling that is not well-controlled with rest, ice and physical therapy, stem cells can boost healing.
Stem cells act as natural anti-inflammatories, which is one of the reasons why they’re being considered for the treatment of autoimmune diseases. Current research shows that stem cells regenerate damaged tissues, control inflammation, suppresses the immune system and reduce the body’s inflammatory response.
No Response to Conservative Treatments
The protocol for most injuries when they first happen is rest, ice, pain medication and physical therapy. If these treatments are not effective in treating your pain, our pain management practice in NJ may suggest stem cell injections. This is especially important for people who want to remain active but are dealing with chronic pain, despite the use of cortisone, NSAIDs and opioids. Continued use of these medications can cause other problems.
Not a Candidate for Surgery
At Jersey Rehab, we are more inclined to suggest stem cell injections when a client is not a good candidate for surgery. This could be due to a projected poor outcome or limitation on their lifestyle, which is most common in athletes and weekend warriors. Also, stem cell injections are a good option for people who are unable to go through surgery due to advanced age, as well as those who are too young for total joint replacement.
If you are considering stem cell injections to treat an injury or underlying health concern, contact Jersey Rehab. We have four convenient locations, flexible hours and knowledgeable pain management doctors in NJ and NY who can address your needs with personalized solutions.