What You Need to Know About Stem Cell Therapy for Knee Pain?
Stem cells are the body’s raw materials from which all other cells with specialized functions are made. Under the right conditions, stem cells can divide and create new cells called daughter cells. These cells can generate into new stem cells or specialized cells. No other cells have this ability, which is one of the reasons why there is such an interest in them.
As we learn more about stem cells and their ability to promote repair and healing within the body, doctors and scientists are finding new ways to utilize them. And one of the most talked about ways to use stem cells is to treat knee pain, something that affects roughly 25 percent of adults.
So, is stem cell therapy the best approach for treating knee pain? And if so, what can you expect from this type of regenerative therapy? Below is everything you need to know about using stem cell therapy for knee pain.
What is Stem Cell Therapy for Knee Pain?
In the human body, most cells have one job. However, stem cells are a certain type of cell that have the potential to divide into new cells. This is what makes them very valuable. In terms of the knees, stem cells may help patients grow new cartilage or bone density, improving their pain and mobility.
You might be wary of using stem cells to treat knee pain based on what you’ve heard from the media. While it’s true that some stem cells are sourced from early-stage embryos that are just a few days old, these types of stem cells are not used for orthobiologic treatments. These cells will come from your own body.
During a stem cell treatment, your pain management doctor will take samples of stem cells from other parts of your body and reimplant them into the affected area, which in this case, is your knee. Generally speaking, stem cells used to treat knee pain come from bone marrow or fat tissue.
How Effective is Stem Cell Therapy for Treating Knee Pain?
As promising as stem cell therapy is, it’s not a magic solution for treating pain. But, it can help reduce pain and prevent further damage from occurring. It all depends on the reason for your knee pain, the damage that has been done and the presence of other underlying health conditions.
The good news is that pain management doctors are seeing success in their patients. Jersey Rehab provides stem cell injections for a wide range of conditions, including knee pain and back pain. In fact, some of our clients are able to delay or avoid knee replacement surgery thanks to stem cell treatments. They also report reduced levels of stiffness, pain and inflammation.
While research is limited at this time, one study found that orthobiologic injections can reduce knee pain by as much as 75 percent. By decreasing inflammation and supporting more movement, people are able to see these improved results.
If you are considering stem cell treatment for knee pain, contact Jersey Rehab today at one of our three locations. We have extensive experience performing stem cell therapy and will be glad to discuss the risks and benefits with you.