If You Slip On Ice Make Sure You Do This
Each year, roughly 1 million Americans are injured from falling on the ice and snow according to the CDC. You’ve probably had some close calls yourself, so you know how scary and dangerous these situations can be. Even if you walk carefully, it only takes a small patch of ice to lose your balance and start sliding.
If you do happen to fall on the ice, it’s important to know what to do to minimize the risk for injuries. Since you’re not going to pull out your iPhone and Google what to do while you’re on the ground, it’s helpful to know how to handle these situations before they happen. Read on for tips and tricks on how to handle a fall on the ice.
Fall Safely
If you feel yourself going down, there’s a few things you can do to ensure a safer fall. First, bend your knees so that you can get closer to the ground. Falling two feet off the ground will be a lot less painful than falling six feet off the ground.
Second, don’t use your arms to catch yourself. It’s tempting, but you might break your arm. Instead, cross your arms over your chest and fall to the side of your body, if you can. Lastly, protect your head. Tuck your chin to your chest to prevent your head from hitting the ground and suffering a concussion.
Assess the Situation
Many people feel embarrassed when they slip on ice, but don’t let this get in the way of treating an injury. Take a moment to assess the situation and determine if you need immediate medical attention. If you are experiencing severe pain that makes breathing or standing difficult, go to the emergency room.
If you feel okay, stand up, but do keep an eye on signs of swelling or pain. Most injuries from slips and falls are caused from twisting the back when trying to stop yourself from falling. If your symptoms don’t resolve on their own after a few days, schedule an appointment with a back pain doctor to be assessed for a spinal injury.
Rest Your Back
Most injuries from slips and falls affect the muscles deep in the back, so you’ll want to take it easy over the next couple of days. Rest your back and try some gentle stretches to test your range of motion. This will also give you a good idea as to the severity of your pain. Again, if you’re experiencing severe pain, contact a back pain specialist right away.
For other acute injuries like muscle sprains, ligament strains, cuts and bruises, use at-home remedies like an over-the-counter NSAID and hot and cold compresses to relieve your symptoms. Again, if you’re not seeing improvement after a couple of days, schedule an appointment with your doctor.
Treat Back Injuries at Jersey Rehab
If you know you’ll be out walking in slippery conditions, be sure to wear the proper footwear, pay attention to your surroundings and walk like a penguin. But if you do happen to fall, you can follow the tips above to prevent serious injuries and complications. Any lasting effects can be safely and effectively treated by a pain management specialist like Jersey Rehab. Contact us today for an appointment and to learn more about our therapies for treating back pain injuries.