How to Prevent Spring Sport Injuries?
Now that spring is here, people automatically start spending more time outdoors. The fresh air feels great and there’s a lot to catch up from last year in terms of yard work and lawn care. But before you start jumping into spring activities, make sure your body is ready to handle them. An average of 8.6 million sports- and recreation-related injuries are reported every year, and many of them can be prevented.
By following these tips, you can ease your body back into sports and other activities without posing a risk to your muscles or joints.
Wear the Appropriate Gear
When playing sports outdoors, it’s important to wear the appropriate gear. Now is a great time to go through your equipment and sports gear and make sure everything is in good, clean condition. If you plan on rollerblading, skateboarding, bike riding or playing sports like softball or baseball, make sure you wear a helmet. Helmets are effective at protecting against traumatic brain injuries and death.
Other types of equipment you’ll want to have on hand depending on the spring sports you play are:
- Mouth guards
- Elbow and wrist guards
- Eye protection
- Knee pads
Ease into Sports
Unless you’ve been exercising all winter long, you’ll want to ease into playing spring sports. Light exercise builds stamina and prepares your body for more strenuous workouts. As you build up your muscles, you’ll be able to participate in more strenuous activities without discomfort and stress. Some of the best ways to gradually build up your body are by walking, swimming or practicing yoga.
Talk to Your Sports Doctor
It’s always a good idea to talk to your sports doctor before starting any new sport or exercise regimen. Your sports medicine physician will make sure that any old injuries have been properly healed and that no new problems are a concern such as heart disease, asthma or diabetes. If you do have any of these conditions, your doctor will work with you to create a safe regimen.
Take Plenty of Breaks
As you gradually increase the amount of time you spend exercising or playing sports, it’s important to take breaks to give your body a chance to rest and recover. Rest in cool, shaded areas and be sure to apply sunscreen and stay hydrated. A cool down and light stretching helps loosen stiff muscles and prevent strains and sprains.
Avoid Playing Sports if You’re Injured
The sun and spring air feels good on the face, but that doesn’t mean you should push through activities if you’re not comfortable. If you sustain an injury, do not continue. Take some time off to recover from the injury and ease into playing sports again. If you feel like you’re not recovering as quickly as you should, schedule an appointment with your sports doctor. They can create a customized rehabilitation program that ensures you heal correctly.
Contact Jersey Rehab for an Appointment
These are some of the best ways to prevent spring sport injuries. We know how refreshing this time of year feels after being cooped up all winter long, but don’t jump back into things too quickly. Your body needs time to ease into sports and activities. To schedule an appointment with a sports physician, contact Jersey Rehab at one of our three convenient locations.